Expression of Interest for an Aboriginal Artist

the buttery reconciliation dotpainting 1080x1080

About The Buttery

The Buttery is a not-for-profit charitable organisation established in 1973. The Buttery’s purpose is to support stronger and healthier communities by assisting people living with addiction and mental health challenges to achieve recovery and rebuild their lives. The organisation also provides a unique counselling support program for families and carers.

With nearly 50 years of experience treating alcohol and substance use disorders and mental health issues, The Buttery has provided services to over 5,000 participants in its residential programs and 20,000 participants in its outreach services.

The Buttery is committed to providing access to responsive, integrated and quality substance misuse rehabilitation and mental health services for regional and rural NSW residents.

About The Buttery’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

In 2020, The Buttery adopted its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The RAP was developed in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people including First Nations staff members and other Aboriginal people The Buttery‘s Community.

The RAP Committee is seeking an Aboriginal artist to create an artwork (painting) for the title page and inside pages of the RAP Document.  After significant consultation, the RAP Committee acknowledges that the artwork creation should involve a First Nation Artist and the RAP Committee.  A collaborative approach will ensure shared knowledge and stories and build reconciliation from the roots at the beginning of this process.

The RAP acts as a public commitment and is published on Reconciliation Australia’s website.

Aboriginal artist to collaborate with RAP committee to create painting for RAP document

The RAP Committee seeks to collaborate with an artist to create an original artwork (a painting) representing reconciliation.

The successful painting will be used for promotional material for The Buttery’s RAP Document including the title page and inside pages of the RAP document. The artist will facilitate the artwork to guide and assist the RAP members in collaborating and creating a piece representing reconciliation.

The RAP acknowledges the importance of collaboration of local Nations in this process. The artist will be selected from a Nation that the RAP members work with, including Biripi, Bundjalung, Dunghutti, Gumbaynggirr, and Yaegl.

Expression of Interest submission requirements:

  • Provide up to 5 (maximum) examples of artworks (preferably paintings) either by email or post.
  • Artworks provided by email should be between 1-2 megabyte (maximum) and 300 DPI per image. * Do not send images larger than 2 meg (send all examples of work in one email).
  • Artworks provided by post should be printed copies or photos of artworks and be no larger than 8 x 10 inches. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL ARTWORKS. ONLY COPIES OR PHOTOGRAPHS OF ARTWORKS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
  • Artist Statement: submissions should be accompanied by a short supporting Artist Statement of up to 500 words (maximum). A 1-minute (maximum) visual Artist Statement is acceptable as an alternative to a written statement. Please ensure video statements are compressed and not too large.
  • Artists are encouraged to include details of organisations, charities, and community work in their Artist Statement.
  • Contemporary and/or traditional art forms are acceptable.
  • Deadline: Submissions close Friday 22 April 2022. No submission extensions will be granted.

Successful Submission: All submissions will be reviewed by The Buttery RAP Committee. The successful artist will be notified via email and phone and announced on The Buttery’s social media platforms.

How to lodge your submission:  Submit applications with clearly marked contact details. Please note: submissions will not be returned to the artist.

VIA EMAIL: Send submission to:

Karen Farrell

Partnerships, Marketing and Communications Coordinator

[email protected]

VIA POST: Send submission to:

Karen Farrell, Partnerships, Marketing and Communications Coordinator

The Buttery

PO Box 42

Bangalow NSW  2479

Terms and conditions:

  • The artist fee/commission is confidential and payable to the artist upon acceptance of the completed artwork.
  • The legal title to the artwork (ownership) will vest with The Buttery.

The artist is required to sign a copyright waiver and confidentiality agreement.



The Buttery relies on the generosity of the community to fulfil its life-changing mission

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