Work-related burnout

work related burnout buttery rehab

Work-related burnout is a form of work-related stress.  It can be a state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion. Sufferers of this form of stress can also doubt their ability and question their competence and the value of their work.

Many people suffering work-related burnout may have similar symptoms to those with anxiety, PTSD or depression. Many people rely on alcohol or drugs to help them manage work-related burnout and this reliance combined with unmanaged anxiety can have serious long-term health implications.

At The Buttery Private, counselling programs can help people suffering work-related burnout to develop a different perspective to see a more realistic view of their relationship with work. Participants learn to recognise the triggers that can cause burnout and develop strategies, including relaxation techniques and mindfulness to address this insidious problem.

Rest and relaxation combined with gentle exercise, good nutrition and the reduction and gradual elimination of stimulants such as caffeine in a supportive environment give those suffering burnout time out to focus on regenerating themselves. Participants who complete The Buttery Private’s program develop the resilience and inner resources needed to combat the ever-present potential for workplace burnout.

The Buttery Private recognises that it is not always possible for busy people to take time out completely cut off from their work or personal responsibilities. Participants are encouraged to reduce the impact of stress on their lives while in the program. Nonetheless, it is still possible for participants to have limited contact during their stay in order meet their business or professional responsibilities.

If you have an enquiry about work-related burnout, please complete the form below or phone 02 6687 1111.



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